Saturday, January 26, 2008

Political this and that

I have a lot of different thoughts running through my head today, concerning the poor state of politics, to such degree that I do not know where to start or how to organize them. Some thoughts seem to dominate more than the others, however. For example; why do the republicans hate the Clinton’s so much? The enemy (Clintons) of my enemy (Republicans) is thus my friend, although I don't particularly like or care for this new friend. Also, who thrust Obama into the limelight and Why? Furthermore, why has Obama been treated with kid gloves in the primaries, with many black folks crying foul when he is not? If Obama were able to win the Democratic nomination, he would be eviscerated by the attack machine of the Republican party who knows how to play on white racial prejudice and fears.

In regards to the Clintons, what can I glean from the fact that they are despised so much by the Republicans? The answer is akin to the same reason why some women in a bar or club will immediately dislike a beautiful woman who walks in, to the degree that they want to tear her down. The Republicans hate the Clintons due to the same root emotion as those women in bars. It’s fear. They feel threatened by the strong competition. It will be harder for them to get the attention they want and what they want when there is strong competition. So the compeition must somehow be torn down, by those in fear, in order to reduce their attraction.

The Clinton’s know how to play politics! Bill Clinton is a master at understanding the strategy and game. He aggressively goes after what he wants and he takes no prisoners. He understands his Republican competition. In fact, his methodologies are very Republican like. He knows how to play their games and uses it to the advantage of his goals and the Democratic Party, better than the Republicans can, which irks the republicans. No one likes to be beaten at their own game. If the Clinton’s were conservative Republicans, they would have replaced Ronald Reagan as the modern icons of the party. Although Clinton reallly did nothing for blacks, other than symbolism, the enemy (Bill Clinton) of our enemy (conservative racist) became the friend of blacks.

In regards to Barak, how and why did he gain name recognition? The answer is his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. At that convention he was anointed and exalted for being a great speaker, but more importantly, for being a different kind of black leader. He immediately became the symbol of the type of black leader who could bring America together, by virtue of closing the chapter on the traditional Civil Rights style black leaders who continue to unapologetically fight for justice on behalf of blacks. Whites see this as divisive and that America could come together racially if not for these racial agitators.

In the minds of many, bringing America together is in reality a euphemism for removing agitating Civil Rights type black leaders and thinking from the negotiating table. Many people want to put the past behind us and ignore its aftermath upon the present…..racially. Thus, anyone who then dares link the racial past to the racial present, notwithstanding the validity of the link, is seen as being divisive and must be demoted. Truth hurts many and naturally produces divides between righteous and unrighteous, fact and fiction, fantasy and reality. As long as their is right and wrong, good and bad, justice and injustice...division should exist, lest we all accept whats wrong, whats, bad and injustice. There should be no compromise between these extremes!

Essentially, Barak Obama was white America’s opportunity to demote a certain type of black leadership and thinking by promoting the type of black leader and thinking more acceptable for them. This was simply a subconscious conspiracy of like minds as whites are sick and tired of the race issue and its implication and exposure of them. There are many Harvard Educated intelligent white folks who could have said what Obama said, without it catapulting him or her to a run for the President. Obama attraction for white America is racial. The change and coming together, as they see it, is blacks moving to the position of whites, but not whites moving closer to the position of blacks. In their mind, that what “change” means.

In light of that, is it hard to see why Obama has tried to keep race out of the debate? He was branded and elevated for a purpose in regards to race, by white America. That is not to suggest that he is not talented, qualified and charismatic and that blacks don’t find his politics and style appealing. Moreover, many blacks are tired of traditional black leaders as well, which is not unexpected given the influential power of the media and their constant attacks on black leaders. Obama is a mediator, but there should be no mediation between right and wrong. If Barak was President instead of Lincoln, how would he have brought both sides together on the issue of slavery? Would he have compromised that blacks be made indentured servants, as opposed to slaves, to give something to both sides? Sometimes compromise is not what is needed.

Finally, why is Obama being treated with kid gloves? Like I noted above, one of the reasons is that that his candidacy looses viability as soon as it becomes racial, like America. He cannot maintain the black vote and a strong white vote if he is asked tough question that reflect the racial divide in the response. For example, when is someone going to ask Obama about Reparations and what he thinks of the concept or need, if not viability? There are many issues in America where blacks and whites have divergent and passionate opposite views. He is not being asked any such question, because to do so would threaten the process of bringing America together, by exposing the truth of the divide. No one is to note that the Emperor has no clothes on.

So now Obama has climbed into the ring of politics to carry forth this mission, which he seems perfectly happy to do, and now some blacks are crying foul when he gets punched. Think of it this way. Say a professional female boxer wanted to fight a professional male boxer of the same weight class. At that point in time, the male boxer cannot win. If he fights her like he fights his male competitors and tries to knock her head off, he will be looked down upon. Politics is a rough and nasty game and the fact that Obama decided to step into the ring; he cannot expect to be treated with kid gloves by the Clintons. If the Clintons don’t do it, the Republicans will be relentless in their pounding.

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